Welcome To AndaluciaTherapies.com

About me
I’m a massage therapist, councelor and coach, spiritual mountain , world tour guide, Vipassana and zen meditation teacher.
I was born with a special gift of healing and developed it during the last 30 years.
I started healing animals when I was a child. During my life I have traveled all over the world and studying all aspects of human health: physical, psychological, spiritual and a wide range of techniques..
My Therapy includes massages, chiropractic techniques, energetic work, lifestyle orientation, as well as exercise, food and herbs that will support the healing process.
I guide client to higher self-love and awareness to amplify their happiness and creativity, walking events, shamanistic and Tibetan singing bowls workshops.
I organise and run Retreats of emotional rebalance from confusion, and frequency empowerment.
On-line therapy / Consulting individuals and groups.
Enzo Merante

Your Best Friend

why us?
we reflect the light we charge the energy using the sun which also massages and caresses our skin and body here in spain. we are beings who come from the water that’s why we offer seminars near the sea. we chose the mediterranean for its history and its healing properties which already the wise people had discovered. pure air without factories for more than 100km of distance, population reduced water, and its multiple effects on the mind and consequently the body that transforms which is the beginning and the end. we offer the opportunity to aware you about your health and the need for water in the present and near future for planet earth. the axarquia is an eastern area of andalucia with a subtropical climate suitable during the winter for walking when in the rest of europe the temperatures are cold. we find fruit such as mango, avocado, chirimoia. there are 30 km of coast with mountains almost overlooking the sea. here you can follow us in our program between trekking, in the sentieri secrets and not discovering the rural and meditating in front of the sea or the moon to be able to come in contact with yourself. not just a holiday but an introspective journey to make you grow with the yoga of struggles and the therapies of enzo at an initiation at a level of higher consciousness. accompanied by delicious vegan or vegetarian food with local organic products. references we are located near nerja with various options mixed groups, reduced by fifteen to offer that family service to also make new friends but above all to get to know yourself.

Healing Boat Trips

Welcome to the Tibetan bowls medical and shamanistic sound seminar ,come and have fun with the vibration and sound of your body
Part1How to conduct a professional SOUND JOURNEY (Sound “Bath”) Healing Session for groups, with a variety of Therapeutic Singing bowls Instruction on the healing applications of each instrument
Part2The Healing Power of Sound and Energy. Practical techniques to take conscious control of the energy that flows through us, using the power of Intention, Creative Visualization and the Voice. Develop your natural clairvoyant abilities to Feel and Sense the effects of sound yourself and other. Cleansing, harmonizing and balancing the chakras and subtle bodies with Vocal Sounds. Free your Healing Voice: Practical vocal and Intoning techniques to discover your authentic voice and its healing potential
Part3, Himalayan Singing bowls he origins, theory and applications in self–healing and applied healing. Includes practical sessions on healing the physical and subtle bodies
Part5Soud Puncture- the application of Tuning sticks on reflex points of the meridians, feet, hands and spine,- the application of Tuning Forks on the articulations and other bony processes of the body- the Bio-Energetic application of Tuning sticks on the Chakras and in the Subtle Energy Bodies (aura). Intervals (the relationship between sounds) and their effect
Singing bowls allow you to relax and unwind. Thanks to their pure and natural notes, you can reduce your stress and enter serenely into meditation. On bass and treble octaves, the singing bowls transport you and allow you to stimulate your creativity.
The sounds and vibrations provided by the singing bowl resonate with your body in order to rebalance its major functions and raise your vibratory rate. It allows you to improve your focus, to live consciously here and now.
There are different singing bowls each emitting a different sound depending on its size and thickness. Tibetan bowls are made are a myth. No manufacturing certificate guarantees their composition. Because are hand made
And finally .the Tibetan bowls are also available to buy after we can also on line distant work
For further information
mail: enzomerante@gmail.com
or call: +34 615 36 58 25